Braces Tips

  1. Eat soft foods – for the first few days after braces tightening. E.g. scrambled eggs, oatmeal, pasta, smoothies, and soups. You may also cut your food into smaller pieces.

  2. Orthodontic Wax is your friend – our office may provide some wax which you can apply to areas that are poking or pinching you to lessen the discomfort!

  3. Bite smaller pieces – avoid biting into large chunks of food can also pull braces off E.g. corn cob, full apple, raw carrots, etc.

  4. Avoid sticky foods – food can become stuck and damage your braces. Sugary foods can also cause decay and other oral problems! E.g. Caramel, toffee, gum, rice krispies, etc.

  5. Avoid hard foods – when you chew harder foods, it can knock the braces off.  E.g. ice cubes, nuts, crab shells, popcorn, pizza/toast crust etc.

  6. Avoid playing with braces with your tongue – your tongue can be quite strong, plucking the wire like a guitar string can cause the wire or elastics to pop off!

  7. Wear a mouthguard – If you play sports you should protect your teeth and braces, as a specialist clinic, we can create customized mouthguards for you

  8. Ceramic braces? Avoid staining foods – certain foods chemistry can stain your ceramic braces. If you have to eat them, make sure to drink plain water to rinse out immediately after consumption. E.g. tomatoes/tomato paste, mustard, and coffee/dark-colored drinks

  9. Carry a cleaning kit – make your own brace kit with a small mirror, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, wax, lip balm and some facial tissues. You’ll be ready to go anywhere with your braces!

Brushing Tips

  1. Avoid whitening products – it will cause uneven colouring on your teeth when your braces are off.

  2. Clean your braces after every meal – this can help your brushing at night become easier and protect your teeth.

  3. Floss every night – a floss treader will help you get under the wires more easily!

  4. Use interdental brush – cleans underneath and around your wires and braces, this will help you maintain healthy teeth and gums throughout your treatment.

  5. Using mouthwash – can help prevent infection and reduce inflammation. Remember to choose an alcohol free rinse to prevent drying out your mouth and gums.

  6. Use the right toothbrush – a brush that is not too hard to avoid damaging your teeth and gums.

  7. Do not over-brush – brushing with excessive force can lead to sensitive teeth and receding gums!

  8. Show up to your scheduled check-ups – as orthodontists are also dentists, our patients will be given recommendation if they need additional dental hygiene procedures.

  9. Schedule regular cleanings – to ensure the treatment is on track and your teeth are clean!

  10. Use a water flosser – they can be very effective for cleaning narrow gaps. Our office offers water flosser with custom tips designed for orthodontic patients. 

Disclaimer: The tips and instructions listed on this page is only for educational purposes on general dental hygiene and as reference material for our patients. Individuals are strongly recommended to clarify and seek individual consultation with a certified dental professional in your local jurisdiction as each individuals dental/medical condition can vary.